Friday, April 08, 2005

The weather has gotten lazy.

HEY! The message I wrote yesterday that got zapped got saved! Blogger is benificent.

Yesterday we were supposed to have storms. We had a spattering of rain. Today we were supposed to have storms. We have a pervasive dampness, I guess, and cold. If weather were a bar brawl, this would be the wimpiest, half-assiest, don't-mess-up-my-hair-iest slapfight of a storm. The bartenders wouldn't even try to break it up, they'd just snicker at the lameness, and then tell Weather to order a drink or take it outside. And then weather would be all "whatever" and get another chocotini. Come on, weather! Put up or shut up!

Now check tomorrow to see if my house was struck by lightning overnight.

Of course, if it DOES get struck by lightning, it will be without warning, because meteorology has really gone downhill in this town. There has been no mention (and don't think I haven't searched the site) about any sort of tornado preparedness seminar. And now, they've got some Joe Grad Student doing the forecasts. At least he doesn't sound as bored out of his mind as the last one did.

[Actually, Joe Grad Student is doing fine. Anybody who thinks they can predict the weather is asking for a beatdown from Mother Nature. It's just . . . he's not Ed Kieser. Or Judy Frazier. Or even the guy with the crazy weather poetry. He needs a schtick. Maybe weather rap!]

On to greener topics.

Since Illinois lost the game, some of the billboards and window-sign hoo-ha have been modified, so as not to shame the team or something. My favorite is this billboard that's all blue, with an orange "I" turned on its side and curved, so it kind of looks like a grin. By itself, that's a fine billboard, I guess, but on Green by the underpass it's paired with this freakish bizarro billboard that has a face screaming out of a bowl of milk or something. That's it--all white, and then this creepy screaming face with bright red lips. I have no idea what it's advertising*, but there's one of those right above one of the grinning I billboards. In comparison, the grinning I just looks so friendly and kind and normal that I kind of love it. Except for the orange and blueness.

* Maybe it's advertising screaming! Screaming: What more drivers need.

Over and out. Whee! I'm a blogger! I'm BlogGrrr! Awesome.


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