Thursday, September 08, 2005

September 8: Dallas, in brief

I am returned from Dallas, or the Dallas metro area anyway, where I:

* Watched The Little Mermaid three times
* Sang "The Wheels on the Bus" three kazillion times
* Watched my sister clip and organize coupons for five hours. FIVE. Not hyperbole.
* Attended a princess party for a three-year-old
* Walked the kids to school with all the moms and dads and stroller babies from the street
* Visited the Grassy Knoll of Kennedy assasination fame (infame?)
* Learned to swim the breaststroke, which it turns out I already knew
* Went to a show at a venue called "Billy Bob's," about which you will hear more soon
* Got searched by security in a very hands-on fashion (actually, that was in Bloomington)
* Tried, and failed, to find Airport CNN in an airport bar, or terminal
* Learned this joke: Why did the turkey cross the road?
Answer: Because he's stupid!

Hope your labor day was not stupid.


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