Monday, January 22, 2007

Happy Roe v. Wade day!

Today is the 24th Anniversary of the decision of Roe v. Wade, perhaps the last time the U.S. government publicly acknowledged that sometimes, abortion happens, and that it ain't nobody's business. (Okay. Not really the last time.) So give a little "mmm-hmm" today to getting the government out of your hoo-ha.

Lots and lots of people are blogging about that today, and they'll do it way better than me, so go read some if you want to.

In other news, Katie Couric wrote a little piece for the CBS News webpage about being the only female at the table when big-shot journalists got together with major white house players before the big "20000 more troops!" press conference last week. That's interesting of itself; she ends by asking, "Don't more women deserve to be at the table, too?"

What's distressing and downheartening is how the comments posters have responded. Apparently, most of America--okay, most of CBS News Weblog-reading America (a statement which does take some of the sting out, I guess--most of them feel that there is no problem with the Senate being 16% female, or with Katie being the lone "skirt" at the media table. There's no bias in it, they insist. If people wanted more women at the table, or if women WANTED to be at the table, they'd be there, and who does Katie think she is, anyway? It's extremely pathetic and make me sad. I'm no great fan of Katie Couric--because I'm no great fan of network news, really--but geez, I just want to go post a message telling her to keep exposing the idiots' bias in their own words, you know?


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