WEATHER doesn't want me to post.
Is this thing on? I can't seem to get anything going here.
Onto newer, brighter, sunnier things: today's beautiful here. Sunny and warm (maybe, anyway; it looks warm from my [windowless] office). And it's Cubs opening home game! Go Cubs!
Anyway. When the alarm went off this morning, NPR was doing the top of the hour news break. The report started off "Thousands of mourners continue to fill the Vatican, while the college of cardinals continues preparations for the Pope's final rest." How slow a news day does it have to be when your lead story is "Today some people are doing the same thing they were doing yesterday, while other people were also doing the same thing they did yesterday"?
Remember how they were making Morning Edition younger and hipper? Is 24-hour Pope coverage really what younger, hipper people want to hear? I wonder what Bob Edwards is up to. Maybe the same thing he did yesterday.
Oh. And speaking of yesterday and NPR, did you hear Morning Edition's review of this promising new band, The Shins? Apparently, they're h-o-t hot, and it's all due to their being featured in the movie Garden State. You should check them out. They're on the rise! They're young and hip! Like NPR!
Okay. Back to work. Do you get to check this at work? Should I be sending this all by email and only posting brilliant things here? Too late. (I promise I'll settle down once I've figured it out, though.)
i cn read it at work wheneva i want! and it's perfect.
write on, TORNADIA, mighty small-town culture and climatological sociophilosopher! write on.
hope yer camped out at the 'squire in yer saddle shoes and polka dot shirt eating peanuts, drinking leines, and yelling at the television as forlorn Elvis Pinball pines away jealously.
yay, weeeeekend!
I took a late lunch and went to Jillians to watch some of the game. I had SIXTEEN tvs in my line of vision. ONE was tuned to the Cubs. At a sports bar. The rest were on a pool game and a Nascar race. Why, oh why, didn't I just go to the Esquire like I planned?
what is this???? Tornadia has no regrets!
naaay, common citizen. for she stikes with deadly conviction, with abandon, with passion, with chaos, never looking back on what lies mangled or made more perfect in her wake!
i mean, nay.
nay to regret.
Man, you're right. I wish I hadn't written that.
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