Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Re: Today's Daily Illini's article
Chief's last dance signals end of era
Chief portrayer expresses sorrow over decision

One week ago, Dan Maloney was an anonymous name, but not face, in Champaign's sea of students. He went to class, worked out, grabbed lunch with his girlfriend, and no one seemed to notice. His full color photograph appeared in print across the front of the News-Gazette, video of him aired on Champaign and Chicago newscasts, but never was his image accompanied by his name - only his notorious pseudonym.

That all changed in less than 48 hours last week, as the graduate student who had hid his other identity for half his college life suddenly became the name known across Illinois. For three years Maloney had already been Chief Illiniwek. But now, as word came Friday that the Board of Trustees would suspend the Chief performance, the world wanted to hear from the student charged with maintaining the tradition...

Read more if you wanna at

Oh, man. So much time and energy put into being a good The Chief, and now this? Ontological angst city! And at such a tender age. Tough times, tough times.

Well, at least he's young and still relatively plucky. And, who knows... maybe this will be the kick in the pants dude needs to finally call up the police officer, construction worker, leather guy, cowboy, and sailor and go on that reunion tour.

And what a rousing version of "U-I-U-C (i don't dance for no)" they will do to the tune of YMCA! I, for one, can't wait.


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