Monday, February 11, 2008

A week of happy little things

I've been blue, you've been blue, it's been a blue, blue winter. I'm tired of obsessing about it, so for this week, I'm going to note one thing each day that makes me really quite happy, actually.

Today: This American Life.

I am over the moon for this radio show. I am evangelical about this radio show. I know that it's frequently hokey and angsty and fairly priveleged whining, but it's also funny and thought-provoking and often enough points out that you're no more neurotic than everyone else. Mostly it's just really, really, really well done. It's edited well, read well, the music selections are just right, and even when there's a piece I don't like I feel like somebody went to a lot of effort to get it the way they wanted it. It's a little bright spot on my Saturday afternoon.

So. This American Life. Happy Super Liking Thing, number 1.


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