Friday, April 22, 2005


yeah, so we're co-hosting this big dumb two-day symposium event yesterday and today under the direction of a highly organizationally challenged dept. they came thru with all these last minute things that needed to get done this week cause they had taken em on, said they had em covered, and didn't take care of em earlier (i just don't get this), so, while it's been BEAUTIFUL all week, i haven't been out of the building yet for lunch, and haven't left til after 7:30.

now, i hear it's sposed to start raining tonight, and continue all weekend. augh! well, at least this crap will be over. bring on the rain! ahbout anything will feel like a holiday after this. uh huh!

just gave an interview to a student who's writing a paper on riot grrrl a couple nites back. felt totally good to revisit that stuff! check it out for a bitta "hey, why the hell is this just memory lane?" inspiration --

love, rock, and revolution, indeed.

yay for friday! yay for now! work angst, be gone. you are not the boss of me. and i have better spaces to lay claim to than you. damn rii.


Blogger aimee said...

it's raining. but its over!

4:05 PM  
Blogger tornadia said...

Congratulations! You bring the organization to those who don't have it naturally.

4:58 PM  

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