I'm very careless, but fortunately not carless.
AWESOME weather yesterday. Finally got the rain and the lightning and the thundah. No hail, no high winds, plenty o' flooding though, I tell you what. I'm guessing the little shelter tents they set up outside the Ebertfest couldn't quite stand up to the rain. So, so sad.
Every year at this time, I watch the lighning strike and watch the trees around my house sway and think "I really ought to update my renter's insurance."
So here's a little tale of my how stupid and careless I can be, and how great living in a town like this can be. The other night, before David Sedaris, I went outside to wait for Kerry. I went to move my sunglasses from on top of my head to in front of my eyes and found that the hinge on one side had become severely entangled in my hair. Seriously, I could not get it out. I was plucking hairs from my scalp one by one, and couldn't get disentangled, so I walked out to the street to use my car window as a mirror. Eventually, and painfully, I got the sunglasses out, but it took about 6 minutes of working while cars drove by viewing my ineptitude.
We go see David Sedaris. [More on that in a moment.] We get a quick drink at MnMs and headed for home. When we got to my place, the street was oddly busy and I hopped out and sent her on her way. And THEN I started thinking, did I leave my keys in her car…? I dug through my purse, getting more and more frantic. No keys. I checked again. No keys. I started thinking how I’d manage to get a hold of Kerry, considering I don’t know her phone number or where she lives. I started pacing around, trying to sort out what I should do, and thought “maybe I should check the car…” so I walk over and guess what? There were my keys. Sitting on top of my car. So for about six hours, my car keys sat on top of my car, in front of my house, with my house keys. Six hours! And I park on the street! Somebody could have broke into my hou—no, actually, they could have unlocked the door and walked into my house, packed up my stuff, put it into my car, and just driven away with it. At the very least, they could have unlocked the door and stolen my CD player from the passenger seat of my car. But nope! Sometimes the universe gives you a little more than you really deserve.
David Sedaris: Mostly very funny, one rather ghastly anecdote, but overall quite jolly. At the end, he took some questions from the audience, and a bird flew out from stage right and circled the auditorium and flew back behind the proscenium. A second later, it flew out again, and DS said, "Why, that's a bat." He then mentioned very casually that they have bats in Normandy, and they fly down the chimney, and Hugh always says they're harmless and scared, but David doesn't quite believe him. Then he rapidly gathered all his things and fled the stage. He also talked about being stationed at the hotel between the TGI Friday’s and the Hooters. Gay man’s paradise.
I probably had more to say, but it’s three days after I started this post, so I’ll just wrap it up now.
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