Friday, April 14, 2006


I love the stormy weather, but man, I gotta get some sleep. Between the fact that it's suddenly, and literally, 84 degrees in my apartment, and the storms that keep rolling in in the middle of the night and getting me all worked up with the warnings and the Doppler and the Igor robot voice reading off county names, I'm very excitable but very tired.
I can't blame the weather entirely, though. I've been reading this book of pieces mostly written by people on death row and anti-death-penalty advocates for work. It's getting to me. That, and all the 9-11 stuff in the news lately. When I start to fall to sleep, in that sort of half-in, half-out, dozy period, I start having rather gruesome dreams about torture and brutality, and I make myself wake up and think about something else. Rinse, repeat. It's wearying. I need to think of some nice, happy, relaxing topics to focus on as I go to sleep. Things like...uh...tulips. And the song "Sneaky Snake." And...I'm open to suggestions.

On to brighter things! Our first softball game is next week. It's a scrimmage against our pitcher's church team. Three people so far have expressed their eager anticipation of the trash-talking that will surely issue from, uh, me. That would include the actual pitcher, who arranged things with his church team.
"Steve!" I said. "It's a CHURCH team! Two days after Easter!"
"They need to be toughened up for the season," he wrote back.
Why? Are they playing the Romans?

I was just sitting here in my office typing this when the weather radio alert went off. Hooray! It does work! Tornado watch #185, for all counties, until midnight. Got it. Thanks, NOAA All-Alerts Weather Radio!


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