WOW! I just spent the last 25 minutes sitting in the dusty, moldy, library-overflow-warehouse basement with our business manager. I spent the 15 minutes before that running around the offices looking for a damn flashlight. I never did find one, which is pretty funny, considering I've been harping on the business manager for some time to write up some damn emergency and/or closing procedures for the place, and she doesn't see why we need to write anything down when "Glen tells everybody who needs to know these things." Clearly, that doesn't include her.
Anyway. Before all THAT, I went out to move my car, because it was parked directly under a bevy of power lines. I stopped to watch the storm moving in, and watched this one cloud moving south . . . southeast. . . north . . . northwest . . . up . . . into the swilring vortex of low lying cloud fingers. Wait! Are those clouds rotating? I think . . . it looks like . . . OH MY STARS! They ARE! That's...totally...wow. That's totally rotating. And fast. And, like, right above my head.
Sadly, but fortunately, it did not get its act together and drop an Oz-style T-bomb on my head. Or on the hazardous chemicals storage facility. I got hit with a swirling Subway napkin and decided it was time to take appropriate shelter, even if it meant I missed the show. But it was really, really, cool. First tornado warning of the year! So exciting. Now, fifteen minutes of thunder and rain later, show's over, and I still have to finish editing this stupid index.